Andrea Bergonzi


Dataskills Sponsor ufficiale dell’Evento “Data + AI World Tour” a Milano

Milano, 2 novembre 2023 – Con grande entusiasmo, Dataskills, l’azienda leader nel settore della Data Science, si fa promotrice dell’attesissimo evento “Data + AI World Tour” a Milano, organizzato da Databricks. Questa iniziativa si preannuncia come un’opportunità senza precedenti per immergersi nelle più recenti innovazioni del mondo Analytics, trarre ispirazione da studi di caso reali e scoprire le best practice

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Dataskills Sponsor of Databricks’ “DATA+AI World Tour” Zurich

Dataskills, a leading company in the field of Data Science, is pleased to announce its participation as the principal sponsor of the prestigious “DATA+AI World Tour” conference organized by Databricks. This event is a must-attend for all data and artificial intelligence enthusiasts, and Dataskills extends a special invitation to all those who wish to participate. The event is scheduled for

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Business Intelligence and Human Resources: how to use BI in the HR department

The progressive adoption of Business Intelligence (BI) systems allowed companies to implement their decisional processes, by putting corporate data resources into service of analysts and managers. In addition to more traditional BI applications, such as those used in sales, production, or marketing department, it is possible to apply corporate data to the Human Resources area, with the aim of improving

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How Artificial Intelligence is transforming Fashion Industry

The so-called ‘’Fourth Industrial Revolution’’, more often referred to as Industry 4.0, is a business model in which new technologies are disrupting production and consumption models, by the hugely increased employment of Artificial Intelligence’s data and algorithms. When the concept of Industry 4.0 was born, roughly ten years ago, it was used in reference to the ‘’smart factory’’, a place

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How to develop a Data-driven corporate culture

In the last few years, many companies have already adopted or have begun to approach various Analytics solutions, which allows to gain insights for operational, strategic, and tactical decisions, aiming to have a crucial advantage on their competitors. Infrastructures as Data Warehouses and Data Lakes allow to exploit a company’s data assets, making them accessible to both Business Analysts and

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How IoT Technologies can implement the store of the future

Internet of Things, also known as IoT, is a term used to describe a set of smart devices and sensors that can communicate, through a connection to a network, data, or smart signals concerning a wide range of “events” or physical inputs. This business sector, which has been continuously expanding in the last few years, is hugely benefiting from the

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Predictive Analytics: 6 steps for a successful implementation

In the last few years, we have seen the rapid surge of Analytics instruments, adopted by companies worldwide for extracting value from data to boost sales and net profits. In this context, a particular kind of analytics, Predictive Analytics, emerged with the purpose of giving a precise estimate of the future by employing different mathematical and statistical techniques. By the

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The first Databricks event is coming in Milan! On December 14th, at the hotel Excelsior Gallia in Piazza Duca d’Aosta, with an agenda full of presentations by executive and partners of Databricks, you will discover the latest advances in Data Technology – and the reasons behind the emergence of the Lakehouse model as a standard in Data and AI architecture. Testimonials will include

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Why Databricks Delta represents the best option for your Data Lake

In a previous article, we presented the Data Lake, a repository for structured and unstructured data, which represents the state-of-the-art architecture for Data Analytics thanks to its flexibility, agility and performance.  This kind of solution, despite being the best choice if you need to store data in different formats and to conduct Advanced Analytics such as clustering or classification tasks,

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Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance: examples from Industry 4.0

In today’s more dynamic and fast-paced competitive scenario, it is crucial for manufacturing companies to excel in terms of flexibility, resilience and process’ leanness. To achieve these things, it is necessary to implement a system that guarantees the sufficient dynamism to adapt to sudden changes that more and more often are disrupting the supply chains. In this regard, the rise

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How to implement an effective Business Intelligence

In the recent years we assisted the rapid growth of Business Intelligence (BI) systems, which are more and more often adopted by companies that want to improve their business in several aspects. BI’s adoption has become one of the most important technological and organizational innovation that a company may pursue to improve its decision-making process and embrace a data-driven philosophy.

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Dataskills and Databricks: partners for Digital Transformation

We are pleased to announce that Dataskills is now partner with Databricks, global leader in cloud-based Data Analytics solutions. The two companies will collaborate to accelerate Digital Transformation in the Italian business ecosystem. Databricks, a company that successfully developed advanced technologies such as Apache Spark, Delta Lake and MLflow will help Dataskills in delivering Data Analytics solutions to Italian firms,

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Enhance Data Quality through Machine Learning

Today, most industries are characterized by a relatively rapid rate of technology adoption and a fast-changing competitive environment. In this context, data become an essential instrument for decision-makers that want to take the prompt measures that the business requires. In the era of Big Data, companies accumulate a huge amount of information which necessarily need to be processed before being

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Natural Language Processing: a trend for the future of AI

According to Wikipedia, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of linguistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence concerned with the interactions between computers and human language, in particular how to program computers to process and analyze large amounts of “natural language” data. In other words, NLP is a technique used to enable computers to process human language. In the history

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5 Steps to boost your company with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will probably be the great revolution of the next years and it is already affecting many aspects of our daily lives. Think about how you book your holidays, buy things online or invest your savings. It is likely that part of those actions is regulated or executed by Artificial Intelligence, whose algorithms can, for instance, suggest the

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The best data infrastructure for your company: Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake

The best data infrastructure for your company: Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake     As we’ve seen in a previous article, a fundamental step in defining the Data Strategy of your company is the choice of the central data management architecture. This decision is indeed influenced by both the characteristic of the data you want to use for analysis, their

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Artificial Intelligence: the Future of Financial Industry

For years now, Machine Learning models and algorithms have been adopted by major financial institutions all over the world and could potentially disrupt the entire financial industry in the near future. According to a recent survey of the MIT Sloan Management Review, conducted on over 2500 firms worldwide[1], 84% of the surveyed companies stated that AI implementation in their processes,

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Chess and Artificial Intelligence: A Love Story

In chess, the number of legal positions is 10^40, whereas the number of different possible games has been calculated to be approximatively 10^123. These figures are impressive. For this reason, Chess has been known as “the game that embraces the infinite”. To give an idea of the complexity of this ancient board game, we can think that the possible combinations

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3 Steps for a successful Data Strategy

Nowadays, Data has become a strategic asset that companies could use to enhance their decision-making process and gain a substantial competitive advantage. But just owning data is not sufficient: you have to be able to extract value from it. In order to do that, there are several passages that you must complete that will make you use your data effectively.

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